الخميس، ٢١ محرم ١٤٣١ هـ

3- الاسلوب الجدلي Argumentative Composition

اتينا لاخر اقسام التعابير .

الاسلوب الجدلي : هي الكتابة التي تهدف الى المناقشة لايضاح راي او وجهه نظر او تحديد موضوع وتبرير ذلك .

وركز عند كتابة الاسلوب الجدلي على مايلي :

1- يجب ايضاح الفكرة المطلوبة للسعي لكسب تاييد القارئ .

2- يجب دعم الموضوع بالحقائق التي تدعمها الخبرة والتجربة وامثلة من التاريخ والادب .

3- انهاء كل فقرة بخاتمة .

4- ايضاح الافكار ووجهات النظر التي تختلف مع الموضوع ثم دحض ذلك بدقة وموضوعية لاثبات عدم ملائمتها .

5- ربط وجهات النظر السابقة التي نوقشت في الموضوع مع وجهات النظر اللاحقة ثم التوصل للاستنتتاج المنطقي بما يرضي القارئ.

6- عدم استخدام عبارات تفرض وجهه نظرك على الاخرين او الطعن في وجهات نظر الاخرين .

وهذا مثال على الاسلوب الجدلي :

Working for Salary

Working for salary to make living is common for most people in the world . However, salaries are different from one person to another . Even more, attitudes towards jobs are also different . For people to be happy at work, they must get good salaries and have the feeling that they make the best use of their talents and abilities .

There are people who are unhappy with their jobs because they feel they have no chosen to improve or develop their abilities . In most cases, they have chosen the wrong occupation .

There are also people who are faithful to their work and only think about their jobs even when they are not at work . They often believe that time is money and that business is business . These people are usually successful in their careers .

There is another category of people who do not like to work at all . They like to be free from obligations and believe that work is a waste of time . Of course, they have plenty of free time . However, these people have their own problems .

With this in mind, we may conclude that people must have jobs in order to have a balance in their lives between work and pleasure . In this way, they can develop their talents and abilities and in the meantime, enjoy the pleasures of life .

وهذا وصلنا لختام اقسام طريقة التعابير ومع كتابتك للجميع الاقسام قارن بينها وميز الاساليب .

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